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Our set lunch! Quite nice actually, but not enough to fill our hungry tummies.So we decided to order more seafood! Which turned out to be so-so only. We spotted a playground with swings after lunch, and swings are my favourite! So i had to go spend some time swinging :D
Jaja's new year resolutions!
To discuss with my boss about my expectations regarding my current job. If there're no significant changes and the job still doesn't meet my expectations, quit and find another job. With a decent pay, reasonable working hours, good prospects and hopefully, something i'm interested in. No idea what that is yet :(
As long as i'm still working at the gym - To have more patience for all my students.
To start some sort of cheerleading program at the gym.
To learn more from chulaoshi, longwei, deqiang and mrsng wrt competitive coaching. To learn more about business management.
To sleep earlier and wake up earlier everyday. 8 hours everyday if possible, not too much longer or shorter.
To drink more water and less soft drinks. Hopefully get into the habit of bringing a water bottle around.
To extract my wisdom tooth and take better care of my teeth.
To run, swim and perhaps play tennis more often.
To be more diligent in terms of skincare and haircare.
To own more beautiful clothes HAHAHA. Without over spending.
To get skinnier legs. (This is more like a wish)
To better utilize my free time.
To spend more time with friends, meet up with those whom i haven't met in a long while.
To achieve new b tosses, stunts and pyramids in cheerleading.
To not let papa and mama worry about me, hence
To be safe and stay injury free as much as possible during cheer.
To achieve some sort of self improvement in terms of knowledge, skills and character. .
That's all i can think of for now. Hope I'll fulfill most of them!
May 2011 be an awesome one for you. :)