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Not-so-fantastic and worth it US scallops!
My seafood pasta! One of the better tasting ones I've had so far :)
We went up mount faber to kill time before supper with c blockers!
Sat around at
For a float and icecream =D We paid one dollar to look through this binoculars!
We saw nothing exciting -_- Jx snoozing on the car while we were waiting for c-blockers to arrive.
We waited for 40 minutes! Hence the stupid photo above. I was listening to Derrick Ho's CD which jx bought for me too and watching this colourful flying thingies hovering above the field next to the carpark. You know those thingies that people control like toy aeroplanes? I think they're really pretty! Jx I want!
Xinyi and I when everyone finally arived!
Miss staying diagonally opposite her :( :(
I had to drag myself outta bed at 7AM-OMG for a steppers gig!
Well it wasn't really a gig, it was quite a stupid job. I considered doing it at first 'cause the pay was good and i thought it'd be fun doing it with the steppers flyers but it turned out that the job wasn't what we expected it to be!
We each had to each lead a HUGE group of working adults to cheer for their colleagues who were competing in various events like running etc.
I was seriously horrified!
But in the end all we did was stand around (yes, chunting and i stood for all 4 hours! Tiring!) and scream and cheer a bit when our group was competing. No one really cared about us!
The most interaction I had with the people was probably when I asked them to go down onto the tracks to cheer for their tug of war colleagues.
The rope broke before the competition even started! -_-
But they managed to tie it together and let two teams play tug of war before the rope broke again. =X
Btw, my team, NCS won the tug of war heh.
Lousy photo of the group i was supposed to be leading.
I miss performing :(