Mel, karen (alpha verve) and i! :D

We split up into groups that had combinations of cheerleaders from every squad,
and did stunts with each other!
Everyone squad had different techniques so it was quite interesting learning each others' techniques!
Then at the end of each segment we had a little competition/showcase!
I still think karen+my group should have won! hahaa.
Both of us took turns to fly
But weeps said the second segment wasn't a competition :(
We had a lunch break,
And it was just like during our own camp,
eating duck rice and fishball noodles!
Some of them started playing chapteh 'cause there was a random one lying around!


After lunch with did b tosses, partner stunts and lastly pyramids! + Some random stuff :)
Shelley (sharks) carrying chun and i!
(1)-1-2 on the ground!

Then she tried christmas tree with us and phoebe(alpha)!
She's so strong la!

FTSF (chun did i come up with this acronym??) with the sharks girls!
Shelley and azee! Really strong girl bases :]

We did pyramids!
Taught alpha verve how we go up on our cheer wall :)

And quick step-up to glad hitch too :)


It was fun knowing the fellow NUS cheerleaders! :))