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Three cups of tea is about this American guy, Greg Mortenson who promised to build a school for a small Pakistan village to repay their kindness when he got kinda lost and ended up there during an attempt to climb K2. He was almost penniless but somehow managed to raise enough money to fulfill his promise. That's the first school he built, and then he went on to build another 78 schools in other areas of Pakistan and Afganistan. Pakistan and afganistan are not exactly the safest countries around, it's amazing how he managed to stay alive after encountering so many near death experiences - he was often there during the 9-11 time. And it's even more amazing what he was willing to go through for the children there.
I took pretty long to finish this book, because all the pakistan and afghanistan villages and names were difficult to absorb, and it's not such an addictive book (as opposed to fictional books). But still a great book anyhow, let's us understand pakistan and afghanistan a little more than simply what we just see on the news - war, terrorists and all . It tell us that we should appreciate our opportunity to receive education, althought it prolly would have been more beneficial if i read this book before i graduated. Greg mortenson's spirit is really inspirational too, it'd be good if everyone could learn just a little bit from him.