Okiees the turn out for touch wasn't that bad today (: Yay to all the girls who came down and played! I don't think they read my blog, but they really rocked. Picked up the game so fast and all played very well! Thought I was too fierce on the field though =X Afterall I wasn't playing with my nj teammates but with a group of great people who just learnt the game. Sorrrry girls for behaving like a mad woman on field! The only disappointment of the day [quite major one] was losing to D block. They were a stronger team with the number of ruggers they had, but I just so didn't want to lose to them. There's a bit of bad blood between c and d but I shan't talk about it. C block was still the best!! Well done c block touch guys n girls (: Jiayou for frisbeee tmr!!
Love, ja
10:46 PM
Booohooos. =(
1. Nobody [Or at least very few] seems to support the sport I love.