Fa's Birthday at Dempsey!
Last thursday after gym I met fa and gang at dempsey for her birthday celebration! They had dinner at margaritas but I was late so I didn't eat there :(
I bought Lana Cake for fa not knowing that brendon and xian bought THREE durian cakes for her! So she got a total of 4 cakes this year! Hahaa. But i didn't get to eat any :(
We went over to ben&jerry's after that where brendon ordered this:
Haha it's so huge it's crazy! 20 Scoops of ice cream plus lotsa toppings, brownies, bananas and what nots! Once it arrived everyone started taking photos of it which was such a funny scene. And most of them were taking with their iphones! Out of the 12 people who were there, 10 had iphones. I was obviously one of the two without.
As expected, we couldn't finish the icecream so we started playing zhong ji mi ma. And for the last zhong ji mi ma, the loser was supposed to ask the manager (who irritated us earlier on) if they could wash the container for us. And wenhao very bravely did! Hehe.
Guess who got the container put over her head! (The empty container hah)
Last few photos! Nice meeting up with the cblockers. Yumyum. Anyway, I got the most retarded monthsary gift ever for my 4th Month! A multi usb ports gadget! I almost died when KC told me what he got me. But luckily it's cute or i really would have gone mad.
It's a handicapped ladybug though. It can't detect my camera and hard disk! Rahhhhs. Oh well. At least it's half useful since i can use it for my keyboard and new ah lian mouse with funky lights. Ahha.
(Btw, i got a very retarded present for him too.)