Bombshell has upgrqaded! Think most people don't know, but the only personal digi cam I have with me is my BBB aka Big Bulky Bombshell! Think it was my brother's first digi cam! I seldom use it 'cause it's pretty funny [i think people will laugh at me!] and it's a little bit faulty heh. It must be the most ancient digi cam anyone has ever seen.
And guess what jx bought me a new camera for my birthday+anniversary!!! Bombshell upgraded! We named her bambie. Hehe.
The list of names considered:
C-ja -> Pinkie -> Small bomb -> bombie -> bambie!
Not very smart names but still..
He bought my ideal colour!! (: Brown was special, blue's my favourite colour, but i've always loved pink cameras! Telepathy.
And i think bambie sounds like a pinkish name =P [Although the real bambie is a brown deer]
Okay this entry is getting no where and I should sleep soon! Gotta wake up early to study tomorrow, on my birthday! :(
Just wanna say thanks jx for the super expensive gift.. Very touched that you were willing to spend so much on the present just for me, when you don't even pamper yourself so much :( And I'm reallyy reallyyyy happyy you chose the colour I love too. Telepathy!! Thankieeeeess!!!