Think I'm too lazy to list down what I did in Japan everyday! Shall just write about random stuff.
1. Ultra big taco pachis! [Octopus balls]

We usually eat three small taco pachis as snacks in Singapore but the giant taco pachi was enough to be my dinner!
2. Super complicated mrt lines! If not for our sabahan navigator I would have got lost taking the train! I'm not even good at taking mrt in singapore! =X

3. Watched some of the teams practise at the stadium! Very impressed by the teams we saw!
-Taiwan monsters and how they fought for every stunt even during practice. + the girls very very toned abs. :O
-US Tiger's rewinds + hot dance + how old some of the bases are =X
-Philippines very cool dance + the cute monsterous round guy who's v good at single libs + their fooling around during training - slow mo tumbling! =D

4. Heavenly crepes! Super duper yummy!! I bought the chocolate+banana+cheesecake crepe! First time I was eating an ice cream crepe and it was sooooooooo gooooooood. Mmmm mmmmm. Maybe I should consider opening a crepe shop in Singapore!!

Three happie girls =D
***I was seriously contemplating on opening a crepe shop in singapore 'cause i thought i'm the first clever singaporean to think of this idea -_- but i just found out there's a harajuku crepe shop in imm!! oh wells, i'll just stick to eating crepes then! though i bet it's not as nice!!