Some photos from hall bash this year! Most probably the last hall bash I'll attend! Unless someone close gets into pageant again! The day was actually pretty eventful with a scary incident, a sort-of-wardrobe malfunction, a broken heart, laughing gas etc heh.
C block girlies!
The reason why i went for hall bash - ftfsf! Miss C-Block, Chunting! Well done girlie. So hot :)
Here's Mr C Block! He's so lucky to have chun as his partner, bet he's damn happy heh. He was so nervous on stage, hope he'll feel better during dnd! Don't really know him but since he's from c block, i support him too! More c blockers :)) Kuanthye was supposed to be Mr C Block! It would have been fun watching chun and him perform together heh. And photos with lotsa steppers! :)) Xxy, shiqi and oli were so hot during their dance performance! :D:D Especially proud of xxy la, never knew she could dance like that :P
More steppers!
Dnd's coming soon. Good luck chun!! Must win k! I'm going dnd just for you although i have nothing to wear :( Haha. Kiddingg. Jiayou girlie :)
Love, ja
9:27 PM
Just got scolded by lana cake shop person. Yes it was my fault but can't you be a bit nicer. I know your cakes are fab but you seriously need to work on your customer service.
We definitely won't treat our customers like that.
Love, ja
4:28 PM
Emo nemo
Random non-related emo matters making me emo.
Yesterday was christine's last day with us at ccab gym :( Almost cried but i had to deal with another the new 'baby' in our class who was crying so I got distracted. Took lotsa photos and videos of christine and gang. Too emo to upload now though. Another time.. Anne laure and quentin, xinyi's cousins left singapore last night. No more random visits to xinyi's house to play with them darlings.. I'm not one who likes changes or meeting new people. But of course now's probably the phase in my life i need to cope with these the most. Actually, i don't even have to adapt much. So i should be more than able to deal with it. I may not be teaching things i prefer most, but as i said earlier i'm learning lots so i should be contented... Sometimes i don't feel appreciated by the ones i'm closest to and care the most for. I know i shouldn't expect to be.. but sometimes just a teeny bit more appreciation would be nice. It wasn't and isn't easy accomplishing what i have and what i still want to. I wonder if these people understand that.. I think i need to extract my other wisdom tooth. Damn.
P.S (I'm starting to blog more now but pardon my incoherent random posts)
Love, ja
1:03 AM
♥ Tuesday, September 01, 2009
I think kentridgeans should give steppers a break. a chance. or simply leave us alone.
It's okay if you want yourself to benefit. But please don't do it at the expense of others.
And isn't anyone willing to devote time and hardwork into a sport, a team anymore? Doesn't anyone understand the precious things one can gain? The sense of achievement, the friendships, the experience etc.?
Can't people tell there's prejudice. If you have an interest, go for it! At least give it a shot. Why listen to others biasness and deny yourself the chance.
And lastly, when will everyone understand that cheerleading is a SPORT and it is PERFECTLY fine for a guy to cheer. (I think the answer is never. sigh)
Love, ja
2:39 AM
♥ Monday, August 31, 2009
Group Stunts
Looking at other people's group stunts videos reminded me of my own group stunts experiences! Couldn't resist watching those videos again! Both my group stunts experiences were fantastic!
In year 1 when I knew nuts about cheerleading, step threw us (eze, calv and chris henry) into group stunts to choreo and train ourselves! Calv and I, total noobs at that point of time were totally clueless, and we even had to manually count the number of eights in one minute to find out how many eights our routine should be! And we kept losing count. Super failure heh. We randomly watched videos - mostly all girls/kids videos - for stunts ideas! Some of the stunts we tried out didn't work, but some did! I was secretly quite happy with the stepover stunt 'cause i'd never seen anyone done that in Singapore. And single lib! It was such a high high high level stunt to us at that point! I was so proud of calv my partner stunts base 'cause he was just a freshie too and he was one of the first to achieve toss to hands, and no one even taught us single lib yet. But of course we weren't very good at it yet. I remember ezekiel being very very busy at that point of time and it was very taxing on him that we had to train group stunts on top of the normal team trainings, but he still hung on and was very supportive! Chris henry, well he was a good backspot :] Before cheerobics that year, i don't think we ever hit all stunts up before , and my biggest worry was falling from a stunt and stoning there for the rest of the routine, but we managed to hit all stunts up during cheerobics! It was shaky yes (and my locking was horrendous 'cause i didn't even know how to lock properly then), but we managed to get thru all our stunts! Uber happy :) And i remember being terrified 'cause it was only 5 of us on 12 by 12 mats in front of a million people! It was only my second major performance after ihg closing so you can imagine how nervous I was. But yayyys, it went well =D
Then next was my all girls group stunts experience in year 3! It was so much fun, absolutely loved it! The flyer wasn't supposed to be me at first, but i trained with the girlie bases all the time 'cause the flyer was absent, and i really enjoyed it! I secretly hoped I would eventually be able to compete with the girlies, and I did! And NOPE i did not use any evil means to do so ar! Training with the girlies was hilarious, we would always laugh for like a thousand minutes straight and couldn't stop. But of course when it was time to get serious we did. To be frank it was quite terrifying flying with all girls sometimes. I felt uber bad when I fell on their heads/faces etc etc :(( Also, it was their first time basing so their catching was naturally not as good as the guys at the beginning and i got injured a couple of times, but they improved tremendously in a very short span of time and I was super touched that they really really always tried their best to make sure I was safe. And we put up a perfect performance during cheerobics! It was so awesome and stable and i totallyy enjoyed performing. Love you girlies :)))
Really excited about the third group stunts experience! Hope all goes well :D