I'm freakin out trying to google answers to my tummy pain. It doesn't feel like a normal muscle ache/pull/strain anymore, and i get sharp pains from simple movements like slight jumping, doing a left split, and the worst - simply rubbing the skin. But i can do a sit up now, i can do leg lifts now without much pain, it's a complete different pain from when i first injured it. Which I have no idea why.It's just a small spot but it hurts hell a lot. The massage from the random sinseh didn't help at all. And after reading all those information with symptoms that seem similar but not exactly the same as what I'm feeling, i'm getting even more and more scared. I still don't know what the hell is wrong, i don't know who i'm supposed to approach, what i'm supposed to do. No, it is not getting better, no i don't think i can train, yes i think i'm so screwed. There i said it, what i've been feeling for the past few days. I'm helpless, panicking, frustrated.
What if it doesn't recover in time.