New Gym Kids :)
I've got a group of new gym kids and I'm really excited about it! A bunch of 4-6 years old girls who are uber cute, all so tiny and there's even a pair of twins in the group :D They're so cute I must remind myself not to smile at them too often before they climb over my head! They'll be training under me to prepare for future competitions, and I hope I'll do a good job :D
My peihwa girls whom i teach at ccab will be going for a competition in december! But i can't make it for their last training before the competition 'cause i'll be in germany and i feel super bad about it :( Nvm, I'll just train them real hard now! Heh. Gonna get competition leotards for them soon, hope they will all agree on the design/colour they want! If not I'll have a hard time getting them to stop quarrelling!
This post started off with me attempting to type down my views on coaching different types of classes but i got too incoherent, couldn't stand myself decided to do away with the chunk i typed.