Chaang Blog Post of the Month Challenge
More $$ to earn for cheerleaders! Niceee. All you have to do is blog about the sport you're so passionate about, and you could actually win money! Easy peasy, i think many of us blog about cheer all the time anyway, like I do. (Just look at my past few posts!) Just that my blog posts are of not much substance. Hehe.
CR, is this publicity post as requested eligible for the challenge? :D:D
Simply write a blog post about anything related to cheerleading. It can be on nutrition, training, competitions or just simply your own thoughts or vision of anything cheer related. Then copy and paste the post's URL to your facebook status (What's on your mind?) and tag me (XWonder Estrella) in the status. (to tag simply type in your status [posturl][space]@XWonder Estrella, i.e: @XWonder Estrella) After that, it will be considered as an entry for BPoM challenge. Chaang and I will read through all entries and co-review the entries, then at the end of each month, also on every 5th, the winner will be announced on this blog (our decision is final).
Participant's eligibility: Similar to VoM, you are eligible as long as you cheer in Singapore; regardless of nationality, team, age, or gender. You can be writing and posting on your personal blog or team blog, it does not matter, both are eligible. You need to be on Facebook and is my friend to tag me. Tagging on behalf or your friend or someone's post is allowed and it will be assumed that you have their permission to do so (please read detailed disclaimer at the bottom of this post).If you are not yet my friend on Facebook, just add me using the link at top of the page.
Prizes: $50 cash or dollar for dollar as VoM to the winner each month. In cases where the person who tagged and the person who post (blogger) is different, the prize will be split half to the person who tagged and half to the blogger. In the event there is no entry for the month, the prize money will accumulate and be brought over to the next month. Prize money is subjected to increase at any time without notice.
Being Singaporeans, we all love sales and offers. In the spirit of the Great Singapore Sales now, Chaang is offering an early bird promotion. If you post on your blog and tag within the next 10days, and if you win (results out on 05July10), you will be entitled to 50% more. i.e: $75.
By tagging us on a blog post, it is taken that you have obtained the necessary permission to do so by the blog owner &/or blogger to have its contents shared on the World Wide Web. The authenticity of the said blog post shall be at the sole responsibility of the blogger &/or blog owner, and we will not be liable for the authenticity of any of the blog contents. Please exercise discretion when reading any of the blog posts tagged.
The information in the blogs tagged does not constitute an offer or an invitation by or on behalf of to subscribe or purchase any products/services/training methods/recommendations which may be described or referenced to therein. Any information given in this blog post is indicative only, is subject to change and does not constitute an obligation to believe in the contents described. Any reference to any information should be treated as preliminary only and subject to our formal written confirmation.